Ab hoga teachers ka test

Education dept sends out appraisal forms to assess performance of lecturers in govt colleges by Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Friday, October 30, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?page=article§id=2&contentid=20091030200910300259295934d6d36b§xslt =) The state education department has initiated a move to appraise the performance of college lecturers with the aim of increasing quality of education and accountability among teachers. The department has sent out appraisal forms to all grant-in-aid colleges in the state and put it up on its website for lecturers to access, fill up and return to college principals. The measure was recommended by University Grants Commission long ago, but is being put into practice in Gujarat only now. Appraisals are voluntary for lecturers for now but will be made mandatory next academic year onwards. Sources said the education department felt the need to introduce the norm to access teachers’ performance for the purpose ...