Ab hoga teachers ka test

Education dept sends out appraisal forms to assess performance of lecturers in govt colleges

by Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Friday, October 30, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?page=article§id=2&contentid=20091030200910300259295934d6d36b§xslt=)

The state education department has initiated a move to appraise the performance of college lecturers with the aim of increasing quality of education and accountability among teachers. The department has sent out appraisal forms to all grant-in-aid colleges in the state and put it up on its website for lecturers to access, fill up and return to college principals. The measure was recommended by University Grants Commission long ago, but is being put into practice in Gujarat only now.
Appraisals are voluntary for lecturers for now but will be made mandatory next academic year onwards. Sources said the education department felt the need to introduce the norm to access teachers’ performance for the purpose of pay hike, promotions and fix responsibility for laxity in duty. Hitherto, there was no record of what the lecturers taught, how long they attended duty and even whether they did duty or skipped it without sanction.

The appraisal form has been prepared by a committee consisting of former vice-chancellors, college principals and education department officials. The panel sought to know from lecturers their education qualification, background etc. to verify these with the credentials furnished at the time of joining the job, and hence put these in the appraisal forms. Among the other heads, the form also seeks info on teaching methods — lectures, interaction, group discussions — and teaching aids that college lecturers practise.


Higher education sources said filling up appraisal forms were left to the discretion of lecturers for this year. Currently, the idea is allow teachers to acquaint themselves with the self-inspection and familiarise themselves with the questions. After it is made compulsory in 2010, the feedback and data will be computerised to serve as a permanent record for use to determine increments and other benefits along with enforcing accountability among the staff.
Lecturers are instructed to hand in the filled up forms to principals after the HoD puts his remarks and grades. Performance will categorised under the heads A, B, C, D where A stands for Very Good, B for Good, C for Average and D for Below Average . Principals will assess the performance reflected in the appraisal and discuss the issues with the lecturer concerned.

There are about 850 grant-in-aid colleges in the state employing some 10,000 teachers, including lecturers , professors and principals. Sources said UGC has also recommended that students appraisals be taken to know how college lecturers teach.

Leave record Refresher courses undergone Research activities undertaken

Whether restricted to just lectures Any interactive sessions with students Group discussions with students Projects/Q&A sessions

Explaining through maps, graphs Multimedia tools used Computer Aided Learning.

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