‘Enrol 10 students to get increments’

chool board official says the order was issued as teachers did not carry out proper survey of students who needed to be admitted as part of enrolment drive Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 ( http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/article/3/2012062620120626022621425252546de/%E2%80%98Enrol-10-students-to-get-increments%E2%80%99.html ) After being made to move from door to door to gather data for the Census, egging on young adults and those left out to be enrolled on the voters’ list and carrying out other sundry assignments at the cost of their primary duty of teaching and grooming the young ones, now the teachers of municipal schools will have to also scout for kids for admission. And if they don’t rope in 10 kids each by June 30, they will not get the annual increment due in July. So reads an order by the municipal education board assistant administrative officer (Hindi-Urdu zone). “Yes, I have issued such an order as teachers did not do a proper job of the initial sur...