GTU asks colleges to prepare study material for students
The material to be prepared by experts from different colleges will be uploaded on GTU website in November. It will help MBA, MCA, engineering and pharmacy students devote more time to projects and practical sessions Yogesh Avasthi Gujarat Technological University has come up with a novel idea to boost quality education in its affiliated colleges. Experts from different colleges -- MBA, MCA, engineering and pharmacy -- will be given the task of preparing course material for the GTU students. The material will include powerpoint presentations, audiovisual CDs and printed notes. These will be uploaded on the GTU website and sent out to the colleges to be distributed among students by November. Once that is done, the colleges can allocate more time for practical classes. Right now, 90 theory lectures are conducted every semester. The study material for different subjects will be uniform across colleges. This is being done to avoid confusion among students regarding the relevant book...