GTU to get its Nano centre

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, February 07, 2011 (
The Gujarat Technological University is going to set up a centre for study of Nanotechnology & Applications, for exchange of research work amongst faculty members and students. This centre will facilitate exchange of ideas as well as enable those interested in the subject of nanotechnology to learn more about it.
One of the main reasons for opening the centre was to co-ordinate the various works being done in the field of nanotechnology in the state. A GTU official said, “Several universities across the state are working on various nano-projects. However, these works are scattered and most people are unaware about the same.
So through the GTU centre, we are trying to co-ordinate these works and provide a platform for those working on nanotechnology to publish their works so that maximum utilisation of knowledge happens. Also those students who are interested in learning about the subject can get proper guidance from the centre.”
The emergence of nanotechnology in India has witnessed the engagement of a diverse set of players, each with their respective agenda and role. Together they shape the trajectory of nanotechnology in the national context. Since nanotechnology in India is a public driven initiative, industry participation is still at a nascent stage. Therefore, policy agencies and R&D organisations are the key players in the national context.
“We will organise a meeting of the heads of al engineering colleges in the state. First we’ll try to understand the amount of work done in the nanotechnology field. Then the experts in the field will try to device ways in which improvements and value addition can be done. Also, we’ll be signing MoUs with national and international scientists excelling in the field of nanotechnology. This will enable us to take our work to an international level,” he said.

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