Children or sardines?

Lack of transportation and compulsory attendance at the state govt’s mega sports event, Khel Mahakumbh, forces poor municipal school teachers to put lives of children from Khokhra in danger by packing them in goods rickshaws Yogesh Avasthi and Kalpesh Bhatt Posted On Friday, November 26, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20Latest§id=2&contentid=2010112620101126030218573de07e4d ) Two’s company, three’s a crowd. What would you call 25 schoolchildren stuffed into a speeding loading rickshaw — sardines, perhaps? An elbow pokes through a jumble of limbs, trying to hold fast onto a metal rod on the vehicle. Unable to find standing space among schoolmates, four boys stand precariously on the rickshaw’s folding ramp. Another kid tries to climb over others’ heads to catch a breath of air. Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s much-touted Khel Mahakumbh might turn out to be a catalyst for sports culture in the state, but what about the ...