Foot overbridge at railway station may be extended

Officials have submitted a proposal to lengthen the bridge, which connects 12 platforms at the station, to make it easier for people to exit the premises

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, November 10, 2010 (
fficials of Ahmedabad railway station plan to extend the foot overbridge that connects the 12 platforms to make it easier for passengers to exit the facility and hire autos. The plan, if approved by the western railways, will help bring some order to the cramped station.
“Currently, the bridge passes over the 12 platforms. We want to extend it to the station’s compound,” the divisional railway manager (Ahmedabad), Ashok Garud, told Mirror.
“We have submitted the proposal in this regard to the general manager of western railways.” He said that lengthening the bridge would cost at least Rs 2 crore.
Apart from adding to passengers’ convenience, the extended structure will help officials at the station to regulate flow of autorickshaws. Currently, autos move at will on the station compound. Often, they obstruct traffic by blocking the entrance and exit areas of the station.
This problem will end once the bridge is extended. Passengers alighting at the station will be able to leave the premises by simply passing through the bridge. Near the bridge’s exit, autos will be lined up, so people can hire them immediately after they climb down.
To make sure autorickshaws do not pose a traffic problem, a separate lane will be created inside the station compound. All rickshaw drivers will be asked to take this lane to leave the premises. “Lengthening the structure will take more than a year,” Garud said.
Another official said that lifts and display boards mentioning train timings would be installed on the extended bridge. “It will not be just a simple extension. We will beautify it and even set up a counter for issuing platform tickets,” the official said.
People who want to board trains at the station will also be able to make use of the lengthened bridge. If they know on which platform their train is to arrive, then they can directly go there by taking the bridge instead of entering the station building.

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