Private company to ensure Ahmedabad station is clean 24/7

Rlys to award Rs 3.4 cr contract to private company for cleaning concourse halls, tracks, offices and waiting rooms

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, November 13, 2010 (
Ahmedabad railway station is all set to look as spic-and-span as our international airport. The railway authorities will be assigning the daily cleaning job to a private company. Tenders have been issued for the three-year cleaning contract and Rs 3.4 crore allotted.
The contract licensee will ensure not just clean platforms but even tidy railway tracks, retiring rooms, waiting halls, offices and yards. Cleaning up of the station is a Herculean task considering the fact that it registers a footfall of 1.5 lakh passengers.
As many as 120 people supplied by the company will work in three shifts at the station. They will be supervised by two full-time supervisors who will remain in contact with station authorities.
The concourse halls will be cleaned by uniformed men every two hours, 24/7.
Rag picking will be done on a daily basis. The company will also arrange for 240 dustbins of 150 litres and 120 big spittoons besides mechanised machines to be used for sweeping, scrubbing, drying and water jet cleaning.
In case any of these machines don’t work, these will have to be replaced within three days subject to condition that quality of cleanliness is not affected.
The spittoons will be cleaned and dustbins emptied daily at a designated place in the station area. The work will also be carried out in such a manner that it shall not affect the routine activities in the station area, running of trains or inconvenience passengers.
“Once the private contractor takes over, the existing railway safai karmacharis will be shifted to other departments. Cleanliness is top on the agenda of western railway,” said a source.
Of late, the railways have been making efforts to spruce up their image by ensuring cleaner trains.
A private firm has already been given contract to clean train toilets, basins, floor and mirror when the train halts at Ahmedabad station.
High pressure water-jet cleaning of the trains take place in depots regularly. Recently, on board housekeeping services were also introduced in trains whereby passengers could summon a safai worker whenever required.
Divisional Railway Manager Ashok Garud said: “For the past several years, railways have been focussing on safety, security and cleanliness. We have now floated tenders inviting companies to take up the daily cleaning job of station and tracks. A clean station is a passenger’s right and ensuring it stays that way, his duty.”

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