Goods train overshoots Nadiad track

Goods train from Mundra shoots across destination Nadiad, stops 11 km away due to miscommunication. It was sheer luck no other train was scheduled on the busy Ahmedabad-Mumbai route during that hour Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Saturday, August 28, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20Latest§id=2&contentid=20100828201008280355388711887a18a ) A tragedy was averted on the Ahmedabad-Mumbai rail route on Thursday night when a goods train ended up several kilometres away from the station it was supposed to stop. More than 25 passenger trains ply on this route between 10 pm and 3 am. The incident occurred at midnight on Thursday. The train was carrying fertilisers from Indian Potash Limited in Mundra Port to Nadiad. The 58-wagon train crossed Ahmedabad, Geratpur, Barejadi, Kanij, Memdavad and reached Gothaj where it was given the clear signal to Nadiad. The train hurtled on till the driver and guard realised they had overshot Nadiad and reached ...