In a first, college to hold own convocation

JG Group will hold a passing-out ceremony every year; usually only universities organise such functions By Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Friday, February 26, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2010022620100226030008438af154732 ) For the past several years, organising a convocation has been the prerogative of government-recognised varsities. Now, an educational group affiliated with the Gujarat University (GU) has decided to cross the barrier by organising its own convocation. JG Group of Colleges, which has 14 campuses across the city, has firmed up plans to hold a passing-out ceremony every year. The group’s director, Saurabh Chokshi, told Mirror that the move was aimed at making passing-out a memorable experience for students. “One rarely gets to see any enthusiasm among students at ceremonies held at GU and other universities. Many, in fact, skip the function. Usually, only those youngsters who have topped exams at...