Cleanliness to take centrestage at LD’s tech festival

Participants of LD College of Engineering’s ‘Teqnix 2010’ festival will not only take part in fun events, but will also clean the campus

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Friday, February 19, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=201002192010021902433784919774e7c)

Most colleges organise events to encourage their students to showcase their talents and compete with youngsters from other institutes. LD College of Engineering, however, has decided to take a step in a different direction.
During its two-day technology festival beginning on February 24, the college plans to throw students a challenge of coming up with an efficient waste collection and disposal method for its campus.
“All participants will be asked to clean the campus and suggest eco-friendly ways to dispose of organic and inorganic garbage,” a faculty coordinator, professor G H Ban, told Mirror. The objective of the exercise, Ban said, was to hammer the social message of cleanliness into students’ minds.
The exercise will be carried out under the event ‘Sarve Santu Niramaya’, which means “all is well”. Interestingly, like in all student competitions, participants of LD Engineering’s festival, called ‘Teqnix 2010’, will be divided into teams and asked to clean a particular area of the college in a fixed time.
“Each team will have two to four members. Teams that do the best job will be given prizes,” the coordinator of ‘Sarve Santu Niramaya’, Gaurav Chopra, said. “This event is aimed at making students realise the importance of keeping their surroundings clean.”
Apart from the message of cleanliness, the college will seek to create awareness on a range of other issues, including prevention of AIDS, environment conservation and saving the girl child. A blood donation drive is also expected to be organised during ‘Teqnix 2010’.
“We will ask participants to fill a questionnaire to test their awareness on HIV/AIDS. A seminar and a quiz on the disease will be organised by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO),” a student-member of the panel organising the tech festival, Aditya Soni, said.
Soni said that students of 400 schools and various colleges were expected to attend ‘Teqnix 2010’. A host of popular activities such a robotics contest have also been planned for the two-day festival.

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