20-lakh strong teen army to combat dengue in Gujarat

Under GSHSEB’s new health project, students of class 9 and 10 to check and report mosquito-breeding in their homes to teachers who will inform health department

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) has joined hands with the state health department in its fight against dengue and malaria. Under a new health project, around 20 lakh students of class 9 and 10 will check their homes for mosquito-breeding and report the same to their school teacher. The teacher will then get in touch with the health officials who will immediately disinfect the spots.
According to GSHSEB chairman R R Varsani, this is an attempt by the education board to spread awareness among the students regarding diseases caused by mosquitoes and how to prevent them. He said, “Normally, we look for mosquito larvae and kill them. But what is needed is that we prevent the breeding. The best way to spread awareness is to include students who can be act as ‘soldiers’ to rid their homes of mosquitoes.
Parents and other family members will not ignore the advice offered by their own children.” The pilot project has begun at F D School in Juhapura where nearly 400 students of class 9 have been asked to check their homes and fill a Dengue Homework Report. School Principal MI Gena said, “The project was inaugurated two days ago at our school in presence of Regional Director (Health) Neelam Patel and District Development Officer Ravishankar.
Students were given a video presentation on various kinds of mosquitoes, their stages of growth and the diseases they spread. They were also told of the places where these pests most commonly breed like water tanks, drums, flower pots and other places where water gets accumulated. They were also given pamphlets explaining the same. The students can refer to these pamphlets when they are checking their homes for mosquito-breeding and use the information to spread awareness.”
The students were also shown live specimens of mosquito in its various stages. The kids have been given a homework sheet in which they have to note down the places where they found mosquitoes or its larvae. “This will be a weekly exercise. The homework sheets will be submitted to the class teacher who will review and report instances where students have found mosquito-breeding to the health officials so that they can take preventive measures,” added Gena.
According to Varsani, the activity will also be counted at the time of grading students in the final examination. “Health management is part of the school curriculum. The anti-mosquito activity will be included in this subject and the report will be considered for final grade,” he said. Varsani is of the opinion that even college students should be included in this project.
District Malaria Officer Narendra Rathore said, “This is a commendable initiative as it is not possible for government machinery to check each and every household. But almost every household has a student and through them we will have wider reach. This will help us respond speedily and more effectively. At present the project has begun in Ahmedabad’s F D School, but it will be implemented all over the state. The presentations on mosquitoes will be telecasted through BISAG channel so that students all over the state can benefit from it.” Almost 20 lakh students from all over the state will be part of the project.

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