‘We neither have degrees, nor jobs’

A year after they completed MBA course, students of International Business School find themselves in lurch without a degree and ‘guaranteed placement’

Zahid Qureshi and Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, February 21, 2013 (http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/article/2/201302212013022103354279699a8d5e7/%E2%80%98We-neither-have-degrees-nor-jobs%E2%80%99.html
Call it the fallout of unbridled consumerism or unethical commercialisation of our education system, an increasing number of students are falling prey to designs of dubious institutes that promise MBA, MCA degrees from universities situated outside the state.
These institutes create a rosy picture with a promise of placements in top companies, but the reality turns out to be completely the opposite as 40 students of International Business School at Satyam Mall in Satellite found out.
Before they took admission in 2010, these students were promised free laptops, blazers and study material, industry internship, 100% guaranteed placement, in-house training on soft skills, English communication, leadership skills, merit-based scholarship and more.
However, most of these promises have remained only on paper despite protestations from students. Now, a year after they completed their course, they are still to receive an MBA degree. Midway through their course in 2011, the institute was renamed International Business School of Management, according to the stuents. And the institute’s premises shifted to Sumangalam Society in Drive-in area.
The college that initially claimed affiliation to M S (Manonmaniam Sundaranar) University in Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu), changed its affiliation to Rai University Ahmedabad that is located in Saroda in Dholka taluka in March 2012, allege students.

Ankit Pandya, who finished the course in 2011, is hoping against hope. “I am yet to get my degree as the final results have not been announced. No company is ready to place me without a degree. My fate hangs in balance. My father took a loan to pay the fees of around Rs 3.50 lakh for this course. He has been paying Rs 6,500 as instalment every month. I am doing odd jobs to meet this demand.”
IBS assured them guidance from IIM faculty despite not having proper in-house faculties, Pandya said. “Their first semester took eight months, second semester was winded up in just two months, third semester was for six months, while fourth semester stretched to nine months.
Moreover, they informed us about examinations just 2 to 3 days prior to the day when they were held. It was gross mismanagement,” he said. Nividita Bardhan, another student of same batch, said, “They had promised in their brochures placements in renowned companies such as Twitter, Reliance Group, Tatas and so on, but all these seem fake now. We were not even provided summer internships. We neither have degrees, nor jobs. It was a big loss.”

Many of the students came from far off places like Dahod, Godhra and even Rajasthan. “They had to pay for PG accommodation as well, apart from fees,” Bardhan said. Another student claimed he had applied for re-assessment of his marksheet around two years ago and paid Rs 250 for it, but he is get intimation of his re-assessment.
Nirav Desai is ruing the day he did not listen to his father who had warned against relying on such a college and went ahead. “I insisted on getting admission in the MBA college. Now I realise that my father was right. Today I have no work or degree to show him,” Desai said.

Shabnam Shaikh, Priya Shrivastav and Afrin Saiyed are other students who have raised questions over the delay in results and certificates. They said, “We are fed up by the non-cooperation of the authorities. Every time we call to know the status of our certificates, nobody gives us a proper response. We don’t know what is our fate.”
While K S P Durairaj, Controller of Exams, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, was evasive in his reply regarding IBS’ affiliation with MS, IBS authorities maintained that their affiliation continued.
Durairaj told Mirror, “A process is underway whereby we are checking whether the courses, faculty of the institute have approval. If everything is in order, marksheets would be despatched in two to three weeks.” IBS claimed that its coordinator is at M S University to sort out the matter.
According to IBS Director Surbhi Roshan, “Since there was no VC for eight months at M S University and two semester examinations were held simultaneously, the results have been delayed. We have prepared the results. Tomorrow (Friday) the VC may sign on the results. “Hopefully by this week, students will get their results.”

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