Ombudsman for GTU students’ issues

The official will have a tenure of three years and will take up complaints of the students or parents if they remain unresolved by grievance redressal cell

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Friday, January 04, 2013 (
Gujarat Technological University as asked all institutes affiliated to it to constitute grievance redressal cell on its campus. The varsity has also set in motion the process to appoint an ombudsman who would take up the issues that remain unresolved by the cell.
GTU has constituted a search committee which will propose a panel of three names one of which will be selected as the ombudsman. The committee is chaired by Dr Nidat Hart, dean of faculty of education, Saurashtra University.
Other members of the committee are Indian Institute of Teachers Education Vice Chancellor K P Joshipura, MS University Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh, Calorx Teacher’s University Vice Chancellor AG Bhalwankar.
Education Principal Secretary Hasmukh Adhiya is the convener of the committee, according to GTU Registrar Geetesh Joshi. The ombudsman will be a person of repute who should have been a judge not below the rank of a district judge or a retired professor who has at least 10 years of experience.
The ombudsman will have a tenure of three years and will retire at 70. The grievance redressal cells will be in place in June and will be expected to give its ruling on any complaint brought to it by students or parents within 30 days. If either party is not satisfied with the cell’s ruling, it can approach the ombudsman.

The students or parents can bring to the cell the following complaints:

» Admission granted contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institute; irregularity in the admission process adopted by the institute; refusal of admission in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institute.
» Withholding of or refusal to return any certificates of degree, diploma or any other award, other documents deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in such institution.
» Demand of money in excess of that specified in the declared admission policy or approved by the competent authority.
» Breach of the policy for reservation in admission; complaints of alleged discrimination by students from scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, OBC, women, minority or disabled categories.
» Non-payment or delay in payment of scholarships to any students by an institution under the conditions imposed by AICTE or by any other authority.
» Delay in conduct of examinations or declaration of results beyond that specified in the academic calendar.
» Denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provided; non-transparent or unfair evaluation practices.
» Harassment and victimisation of students, including sexual harassment.

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