An education dept initiative, On-Demand Online Exam System will be introduced in the next academic year for graduate and postgraduate students across the state

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, December 31, 2012
The examination system in Gujarat is set to take a giant leap with the Higher Education Department proposing ‘On-Demand Online Examination System’ (ODOES) for all graduate and post-graduate courses from the next academic year beginning June 2013.
Gearing up to introduce the system in the first semester examination in November 2013, the department has sent a circular to all universities and colleges in the state, seeking details of their existing infrastructure to conduct the online test. The department will aid colleges and universities to put in place required facilities for the ambitious project.
The decision comes close on the heels of the 12th Five Year Plan projection of 25 per cent rise in the gross enrolment ratio in higher education. “The on-demand online test is the future. The project will help both— the universities and the students,” said Education Principal Secretary Hasmukh Adhiya.
Said to be the maiden initiative of any state government, the system will be in line with IIM’s combined admission test and similar on-line entrance tests in which no two students at an examination centre get same set of questions. The students of BA, BSc, BCom, law and others can appear for the ondemand online test from the next academic session.
“The students will have the liberty to take semester exams and final exams on days convenient to them within a given time frame. The universities and the colleges concerned will decide the one-month period during which the students have to write the papers. The state government is funding the system,” said a source in the department.

The implementation of the choicebased credit system and semester system has increased the workload of the universities and colleges significantly. “The colleges and the varsities are occupied throughout the year with examination and result-related work apart from the routine educational activities.
The new system will ease their burden as it will involve less manpower and will be able to give error-free results quickly. It will also help set up question banks which can be utilised by colleges for their internal tests. In fact, the department wants to go a step further by introducing an on-line viva voce also once the project is launched successfully,” the source said.
The work on the prestigious project had begun sometime ago but hit a hurdle because of the assembly polls. “The tendering process had begun but due to the poll code of conduct, the process could not be taken forward,” he said.


ODOES is a student-centric initiative. “The system will provide students liberty to decide on when to take exams according to their preparations. The question paper will include descriptive and short essay-type questions. The students who are not good at keying in will have the option of writing the paper. The lab operator at the exam centre will scan and attach it. However, this option will be available till 2015,” the source said.
The examiners will check the answer sheets online, helping the universities declare error-free results quickly. In the first phase, the department plans to open 710 computer examination centres in the state. Every exam centre will have 50 sets of computers, a printer, a scanner and internet connection. When not in use, these centres will serve as learning centres, the source said.

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