Create veggie gardens with coco peat bags

State govt will begin free distribution of coco peat bags in every district next week.These low-maintenance bags do not require soil to grow plants and can also be stacked

Yogesh Avasthi
(Ahmedabad Mirror : August 24, 2012)
In order to promote the concept of mobile kitchen gardens,the horticulture department of the state government will be distributing coco peat bags along with fertiliser and seeds free of cost next week onwards.Now,people can grow vegetables at home in the coco peat without using soil.
A coco peat (coir) bag is made of coconut husk mixed with nutrient solutionwhichbecomesthegrowing medium for plants.It is handy and can be placed on balcony,terrace or any open place in house.One has to pour 14 to 16 litres of water into the coco peat bag through the holes already made on it.If you press the bag and you find it soft,it means you can sow the seeds in it.After adding water,dig with the help of knife or finger,putafewseedsandcoverwiththe samehusk.Waterthecocopeatdaily.The plants will germinate within few days and after 10-15 days add 5-7 gm fertiliser granules per plant weekly.
A coco peat bag can be used for twoyears;sosummerandwintervegetable production can be taken from the same bag.Brinjals,ladys finger,clusterbeans(guvar),tomatoes,spinach and coriander can be easily grown in coco peats.
D M Vaghela,deputy director of horticulture department,said,We shallbegindistributing500cocopeat bags in every district beginning next week.In Ahmedabad,these will be distributed at NGOs office in Ghatlodia and our office in Paldi.After looking at the results of the pilot project we shall take it to the next level.Five bags,five saplings,seeds,proteins and fertilisers will be given per person.We have also roped in Shashwat (NGO) for distribution of the same and training people to use the bags.
These coco peat bags do not require much space;they can be put in the balcony and stacked.They hold and release nutrients in solution over extended periods without need for re-watering.
The technology was first used in Norway.With the coco peats,you do not require a huge area of land to cultivate veggies.You can also remove the plants and sow new seeds and even shift the bags to a convenient place, said Vaghela.

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