Students who exposed scam await appreciation

Hriday Acharya and Parth Pandya were promised commendation certificates by the board for refusing to be part of the scam. It’s been four years, but the wait continues

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, March 10, 2012 (
Four years ago, during class 12 chemistry exam on March 14, 2008, two students had shown the courage to expose the fake fracture scam. Hriday Acharya and Parth Pandya, who were tricked into writing papers for Harsh Kotak and Komal Patel respectively, refused to do so after they realised that the duo were feigning fractures.
Their act of courage and honesty was praised by everyone, including Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB). The board, in 2008, had announced that it will present Hriday and Parth with certificate of commendation. However, till date, these students have received neither the certificates not any official word of praise from the board officials.
Hriday’s father Dr Prashant Acharya said, “The two boys showed immense courage when they exposed the whole scam. They continued to corporate with the board inquiries despite the involvement of influential people in the scam. Hriday and Parth devoted their time and energy to assist the board in the investigation. But the board hasn’t done anything to recognise their effort. They had promised some certificate to the children but that never came and we didn’t hound the board for the certificates. But I think GSHSEB should be more alert. Small encouragement go a long way in instilling confidence and honesty in students.”
However, board officials seem to be ignorant of any such promise. Board Chairman R R Varsani said, “I have no idea what was promised to these children. I will look into the matter and do the needful”

Case history
Harsh and Komal — who faked fractures on their writing hands to engage brilliant students to write their chemistry exam on March 14 — are children of prominent builders Pravin Kotak and Sanjay Patel respectively. Harsh and Komal were helped by Muktak Kapadia and Raja Pathak, managing trustees of H B Kapadia High School and Swastik High School respectively, who provided them writers, and H N Chavda, the then secretary of Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB), who went to A G High School, where Harsh and Komal were giving the exam, to ensure they could cheat without any hitch.

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