GU will conduct practical exams for MBBS, dental courses under CCTV surveillance. This, after complaints that children of prominent doctors were being favoured by examiners

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 (
Practical examinations for medical, paramedical and dental courses conducted by Gujarat University will now be closely monitored on CCTV cameras. The exams, to begin in April, will be supervised by deans from other medical colleges within and outside the state.
These measures are being taken following allegations that an ‘organised’ racket was being run to ‘help’ children of some prominent doctors appearing for medical examinations.
“Deans from medical colleges of other states will be given the duty of supervising these examinations. The viva voce will also be videographed separately. We want to ensure that meritorious students do not suffer,” said Gujarat University Vice Chancellor Parimal Trivedi.
“We also plan to videograph the viva exams. If an examiner is found helping the student, the latter will be failed and the examiner will be blacklisted,” said Trivedi, whose term will end in July.
He added, “Only senior professors will be allowed to evaluate the answer papers of written exams. We are talking to experts in order to make the examination system more transparent.”
The practical exams for MBBS and dental courses carry 600 and 400 marks respectively.
Recently, Gujarat University withheld the results of 25 medical students who adopted unethical means while writing their examination in January.
A majority of these students are ward of doctors and had left unique marks in their answer books that would make it easy for the examiner to identify them.
As many as 1,500 students had appeared for the MBBS, dental and super specialisation examinations in January.
While leaving marks is nothing new — the issue has been raised on quite a few occasions, including the important forum of Senate — this is the first time that the university has acted on the complaint.
Following this incident, the colleges have been asked to warn their students that they will risk losing a year if they indulge in such malpractices.
Malpractices have also been reported in the practical examinations in the past, which the vice chancellor said were being closely monitored. There have been allegations of some examiners favouring a select few by posing easy questions in the viva voce.
There have been allegations that an active syndicate member of Gujarat University had been offering all possible ‘help’ to children of some prominent doctors appearing for the medical examinations. The member is also alleged to have ensured that only select examiners were given duty to conduct the viva voce. An oral complaint was even reportedly made to the then education minister.
While students have been barred from taking mobile phones in the examination hall, examiners, too, have now been barred from carrying cellphones. Observers will be the custodian of all the mobile phones.

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