Help! I am scared of the word ‘Board’

GSHSEB officials claim despite the best efforts, board exam anxiety persists among students and parents in the state

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 (
A nervous Class X student, who called the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board’s (GSHSEB) helpline, claimed “I am not afraid of the exams, the prefix ‘board’ makes me nervous”. This call for help sums up the anxiety faced by lakhs of students in the state preparing for their board examination.
In fact, according to the GSHSEB officials, three years after the board launched its helpline to ease anxiety issues of students, the problem persists. It’s not just students who feel the pressure, but also their parents. The helpline received only 400 calls in 2011, which is less compared to 2010. But still the numbers are high.
Nervous nail-biting, feeling dizzy at the sight of the question paper or going blank in the examination hall are few of the anxiety issues that students appearing for their board examinations face, say experts who field questions from anxious students daily.
A source in GSHSEB said, “Despite the best efforts by the board, the fear of board exam still persists. Some of the questions asked by the students remain the same through the years. The questions from the students are not just about emotional stress. They also come up with technical questions which cause them stress.”
For instance, last year the helpline received a call from a child who was contemplating suicide because he felt under-prepared for his board examinations.
“We counselled him and his parents. We explained how board examination was just like any other exam. It didn’t have to be stressful. In another case, a child wanted to drop out of his class to escape from giving examination. We told him the cons of wasting a year, when he had studied so hard for most part of it. He was a bright student and eventually appeared for examination and scored well,” said GSHSEB counsellor.
Officials believe that parents and teachers need to take a more active part in solving the problems and reducing stress among students appearing for board examinations.
Board Chairman R R Varsani said, “Parents and students need to treat board examination normally. Parents have to understand that putting pressure on their ward will not help them score well. But it will put undue stress on the child. Students sometimes forget what they have studied dur to anxiety. Please be relaxed when you give your exam ”
Psychologists stress the need to drive away the fear of the unknown and failure to meet one’s own expectations among students taking board exams. “Children need assurance because they have the fear of unknown (it is a board exam and they do not know who is setting the questions or who will evaluate it) and fear of failure (the child might not meet his own expectations). In such a situation, relaxation techniques and the right mindset can make them comfortable. The children need listening to and guidance so that we can show them their strengths,” a board expert said.
The problems addressed during counselling include symptoms of stress anxiety — be it physical (headaches, nausea, excessive sweating), emotional (fear, depression, anxiety, uncontrollable crying), behavioural (fidgeting, substance abuse, avoidance) and cognitive (going blank, difficulty concentrating). “Most students spoke about their fears and apprehensions and that their mind goes blank no sooner did they see the answer papers,” said a helpline counsellor.
Moreover, experts suggested that GSHSEB should try to alleviate the fear of boards by explaining it to the students that ‘board’ is just an educational body. And also that failure is not the end. Family members need to support the children and give them a conducive environment to study.
GSHSEB helpline, which will start today will be functional till March 23, from 8 am to 8 pm.

Board anxiety: Students call the helpline with their quesries and fears. The most
Frequently posed questions are:

» I am not prepared for the exam, I want to committ suicide
» I am not sure I will be able to deliver as per my parents expectation.
» I can write only if I recite the answers loudly
» I am afraid of the examination centre, moderators
» What study material should I refer to perform well?
» I have very low self confidence
» I don’t want to appear for exam
» What if I lose the hall ticket?
» What should I do if I put the wrong barcode sticker on my answersheet?
» Can I correct my answer using white ink? Is it valid?
» How can I score more marks?
» I have problems in my family and can’t study properly

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