Now, RTI Act available in Hindi, English Braille scripts

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, December 20, 2011 (
The Braille version of Right to Information Act in Hindi and English will now be available for the benefit of persons with visual impairment, said Gujarat Information Commission (GIC) sources on Sunday. The copies may be obtained from the commission offices, universities, libraries and Blind People’s Associations across the country. Recently, the commission had translated the Act in Gujarati Braille.
Sources in GIC said, “Many visually-impaired people are taking the help of RTI Act. The commission is distributing the copies to create awareness regarding its rules and regulations among visually-impaired and to provide them an opportunity to use it for their benefit.” The initiative to translate the Act in Braille was taken by R N Das, the former chief commissioner of GIC.
K S Divan, deputy secretary GIC, said, “We are ready with RTI Act in Hindi and English Braille scripts. We are currently distributing two copies each.” Apart from this, the sources said that the commission has started giving priority to the applications filed by senior citizens, illiterate and disabled.

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