Question banks for first sem Class XI to be released
Gujarat State School Textbook Board will be publishing question banks for reference and to help students grasp textbook material better
Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, August 18, 2011 (
Question banks for students of Class XI (science) of all four subjects will be published by Gujarat State School Textbook Board by mid-September. Semester system has been introduced in the state in the academic year 2011- 2012. In the year after, the semester system will be carried forward.
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Higher Education Board had declared that the first and third semester exams would be entirely objective type, whereas the second and fourth semester exams will be a mix of subjective and objective type questions. “The question banks were made by experts in the respective subjects. A question was picked from every line in the text book to ensure that the entire material of the textbook will be covered,” source said.
So far, only the first semester question banks for mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology have been prepared.
“These contain multiple choice questions which will carry 70 marks and the remaining 30 marks will have short questions,” the source added.
The authorities feel that this method will ensure better understanding and knowledge of the subjects. Preparation for competitive exams with the help of these question banks will be easier as well.
Soon, the question banks for the other semesters will be ready and printed simultaneously.
The semester rule has been implemented from this academic year. The weightage of each paper would be 25 per cent. At the end of the fourth semester in class XII, the board would add up the marks scored by the students in each semester as per the weightage and declare the final result. Board officials said that the semester system is likely to increase the burden on the board which will now conduct four exams but the aim is to reduce the stress on the students.