Return of the Bermudas at varsity library

Librarian forced to take back his diktat after GU VC takes him to task for not taking his permission before banning Bermudas and vests in library

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, April 28, 2011 (
Relief was apparent on the faces of students at the Gujarat University library on Wednesday evening after the ban on Bermudas, vests and tank tops imposed by the librarian was lifted by the vice chancellor. It was a victory of sorts for the students as they trooped inside the library in the evening wearing Bermudas.
Incharge librarian Aswin Bhavsar had issued a notice that anyone wearing Bermudas, vests or tank tops will not be allowed on the premises. “Since it is the abode of Goddess Saraswati, it was not befitting to come here in Bermudas or vests,” said the library notice. The notice appealed to students to wear modest clothes and sit properly before it proceeded to warn students of strict action.
On Wednesday morning the scene had changed. Soon after the library opened students, who were opposed to the librarian’s dictatorial ways, pasted the AM report, ‘Ban on Bermudas at varsity library’ on the notice board.
In the afternoon, after Vice Chancellor Parimal Trivedi took the librarian to task for issuing a diktat banning Bermudas and vests on the library premises without his permission, the notice was removed from the board. It was replaced with another whose tone and tenor was subdued. It stated that as per the vice-chancellor’s orders, “students coming to the library should behave decently and exercise restraint”.
The vice-chancellor told Mirror that as soon as the notice was brought to his attention he got it removed. “In today’s age when Bermudas are common among today’s youth, it would be improper to consider it immodest or indecent,” Parimal Trivedi said.
However, the university chief said that discipline and decorum must be maintained. “I believe the students will take this into account and conduct themselves accordingly.” Since most exams are over, the library which remained open from 7 am till 1 am, has reverted to its old timing of keeping open till 10.30 pm. Around 600 students visit the library daily.
Students are also relieved that they no more have to wear stuffy clothes and remain cooped up in the library. Yatin Prajapati, who studies MSc at the University School of Science, said, “In the hostel, students roam around in shorts and Bermudas as it is very hot and they find such clothing very comfortable. After the imposition of this rule, we were forced to change and come to the library or stay put in our ‘boiler’ rooms and study. The VC’s decision has come as a major relief and we can study in a relaxed manner.”
His friend and reading partner, Hardik Panchal, who found it cumbersone to wear jeans to the library, said, “My friend Kalpesh who went to the library wearing Bermudas was stopped from entering the library. After that all hostel students were forced to wear trousers or jeans, which is cumbersome while studying.”

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