Board Rajdhani from platform 7 Feb 1 onwards

To boost operational efficiency, railway division decides to shift Ahd-Delhi daily train from platform 1 to platform 7

Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, January 22, 2011 (
The Ahmedabad-Delhi Swarna Jayanti Rajdhani Express will depart from platform 7 beginning February 1. As of now, the daily train leaves from platform 1 at 5.25 pm. Ahmedabad railway division has taken the decision to improve its operational efficiency.
While passengers will have to walk a longer distance to board, the good news is that the train will be at the platform for 30 minutes.
Right now, the train makes a brief 15-minute stopover at Ahmedabad junction. With more time on hand, passengers can escape the mad scramble that goes on to locate the seats and arrange the baggage. Four more coaches will be added to the train; this 300 more passengers can be accommodated.
Sources in the railway division cited operational hurdles for the change in platform number. At present the train undergoes maintenance, inspection and disinfestation at the Kalupur yard. For the train to reach the yard, it has to take a roundabout route — this takes 25 minutes. The shunting process leads to queuing of trains that are scheduled to arrive on other platforms. To do away with this problem, the authorities have now decided to move the train to the Maninagar yard which is in direct alignment with platform 7.
“Moving the train to the yard, conducting the maintenance work and bringing it back to the platform takes seven hours. Not much time can therefore be given for the stopover. Now, with the change in the platform, passengers will get 30 minutes to board the train. The new yard also facilitates addition of four coaches. So now Rajdhani will be an 18-coach train. It will benefit 300 more passengers,” said a highly placed official.

The change in the platform number may not go down well will the passengers, particularly the senior citizens and the physically challenged. Since there is only one elevator available, a lot of them will be forced to take the stairs and use the foot overbridge to reach platform 7. Also, since the train is scheduled during the rush hour, they will find it difficult to negotiate the way to the platform.
Platform 1, apart from being easily accessible, is cleaner compared to most other platforms. Even the VIP room and the AC waiting room are on platform 1. The railway division’s decision will heighten security concerns as several VIPs including ministers board the Rajdhani to Delhi frequently.
“I am not happy with the news. It is not easy to walk to platform 7, luggage in hand. The coolies will charge us a lot of money. Railways should rethink their decision,” said Vinod Sharma, a resident of Ghaziabad, who frequents Ahmedabad regularly.
Rajendra Sharma, a Rajdhani passenger, said: “Rather than adding coaches to the train, the railways should think of improving the facilities. We need tasty and hygienic food and clean bed linen. What about that? Placing a daily train to platform 7 will annoy frequent travellers.”
“Everywhere in the country, a Rajdhani leaves from platform 1 only. The decision will not go down well with travellers, especially the politicians and bureaucrats,” said Dr V P Shrivastava.
Divisional Railway Manager Ashok Garud said: “Owing to technical problems, we have decided to place Rajdhani on platform 7 from February 1. It will give us more time for the maintenance and inspection of the train. Even passengers will get 30 minutes to board the train.”

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