udents will have to formally apply for reshuffling process

This year students who want to upgrade their admission will have to fill in a form to be considered for reshuffling process. They also lose the seat alloted to them earlier, once the process begins

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, July 22, 2010 (http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20100722201007220241559331f55854d)
The first allotment list for engineering and pharmacy courses will be declared today by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (Technical). This year, the reshuffling process will be different from what it has been in all these years. Only those students who formally apply for reshuffling will be considered for the second allotment list.
Earlier, reshuffling used to take place automatically depending on the number of seats left vacant after declaration of first allotment list. So the names of even those students who had taken admission elsewhere would keep figuring in the lists declared after reshuffling, blocking chances of genuine admission seekers.
However, this time, those wanting to upgrade their admissions will have to approach the help centres from July 22-25 and fill in a reshuffling form. During that period, those satisfied with the college and the branch allotted to them, can report with original documents and pay their fees at these centres to secure their admission.
Even after paying the fees, if they want to apply for reshuffling, they can do so. But once the process begins, the earlier admission will get automatically cancelled and the fees paid will be transferred to the new college after the student gives consent.
The admissions of those who have neither paid the fees after declaration of the first allotment list nor applied for reshuffling process will be cancelled automatically. ACPC will consider that these students are not interested in admissions in state engineering/pharmacy colleges.
Vacant seats will be declared on the ACPC website from July 28-30. Those who have applied for reshuffling can fill their choices for the second round of admission. The second allotment list will be declared on August 2.
The total number of seats available for engineering is 32,779 and for pharmacy it is 6,356. As many as 51,918 students have applied for engineering and pharmacy admissions. The merit list for Gujarat board (general category) closed at merit number 28,149.
The fees charged by government colleges is Rs 1,500 while SFIs charge Rs 20,000.

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