No refund of fees if you switch college?

220 self-financed colleges also decide to propose own fee structure ranging from Rs 60,000 to Rs 1 lakh

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, May 03, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2010050320100503025528300d988db4f)

In a landmark decision that will send shock waves through the student community, self-financed colleges in Gujarat plan not to refund the fees of students who change their branch or college. This decision was taken at a meeting of representatives of associations covering 220 SFIs held at GLS auditorium on Sunday. The state government has to ratify the decision.
Moreover, the colleges are going to propose their own fee structure which will range from Rs 60,000 to Rs 1 lakh per year. “Unless we charge such fees we will be unable to pay our faculty and staff salaries as per the Sixth Pay Commission,” said Sudhir Nanavati, managing director of the GLS group. So far, fees have been fixed by a government appointed committee.
Pharmacy colleges are particularly hit by students shifting to medicine as medical admissions go on till September. The colleges have vacant seats for four years as they cannot grant admission in the middle of the course. This also happens when students change their branch of engineering or location of college.
“The associations have also decided that to increase their clout and get their demands met by the government they should come under one umbrella,” said Nanavati. Six self-financed associations for four courses - engineering, MBA, MCA and pharmacy - have come together. These include two regional associations from Saurashtra and north Gujarat.
The umbrella organisation will be called the Federation of Self-financed Professional and Technical Institutes of Gujarat. Till it is registered, a core committee will function having one or two representatives from each association.
The committee will decide at its meeting on Monday whether to charge the students who shift one year or four year’s fees. Chairman of Charotar Vidya Mandal (CVM) C L Patel has been appointed chairman of the panel. Among the 12 members are Sudhir Nanavati, K S Shastri, Bipin Mehta and Pravin Maniar.
The SFIs are usually unable to fill the 10-25% management quota as the procedure for admissions to the quota begin after the regular admissions are over.
This results in losses for the colleges. From this year, the SFIs have decided to have both the procedures go on simultaneously. Other issues raised at the meeting were delays on the part of the education department which delays the admission process at times. As a result, students from Gujarat go to other states leading to losses in crores for institutes of the states. However, students from other states are unable to come to Gujarat as GUJCET is compulsory.
It was also discussed at the meeting that an academic body should take decisions related to the Gujarat Technological University (GTU).

The associations have also decided that to increase their clout and get their demands met by the government they should come under one umbrella       – Sudhir Nanavati, MD, GLS Group

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