Children’s varsity wants to know what students want

Eight-member expert committee is poring over 12,000 questionnaire replies to know preferences and design inclusive curriculum

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, May 05, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20100505201005050323018777bffb4cf)
The children’s university in Gandhinagar is close to its first step, that of knowing what children want.
The university’s expert committee members are currently poring over, scrutinising and sorting 12,000 questionnaires filled in by students themselves. A study of these questionnaires will reveal the preferences of children and how hobbies and other activities can be incorporated into the university curriculum.
The university, the first of its kind in the country, wants to be prepared for the future.
The questionnaires were distributed with Shikshan Parikshan magazine of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board to schools about four months ago, requesting authorities to get them filled by students of Classes V to XII.
The eight-member expert committee consisting of PTC and school principals and award-winning teachers is sorting them out according to preferences. Of the 12,000 completed questionnaires received, 1,000 were chosen in the first round. These will be further scrutinised to pick the best 500 and students who filled them out interviewed. The interviews which begin in July will be held at taluka level, university sources said.
“We want to personally experience the aptitude and skills of the children. It may be that the questionnaires have beenfilled in by an adult. The interview will compare the student’s expressed views and actual preference, personality and competence,” the source added.
Next, a final lot of 100 students will be selected. These students will act as a model base on which it plans to evolve an all-inclusive syllabus. The varsity also plans to fund the education of these students.
Experts will develop on their preferences and ideas so as to design a curriculum which keeps in mind a child’s overall development in a modified manner.

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