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Kalupur railway station to introduce airport-like trolleys

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Friday, April 30, 2010 (§name=News%20-%20Latest§id=2&contentid=2010043020100430032509646e4dd1552)

Come June, you will be able to board trains at the Ahmedabad railway station carrying luggage independently, without banking on porters. Like airports, trolleys will be stationed outside it for passengers’ use.
A pilot project of the railways, the introduction of trolleys at the station will spare passengers the hassle of bargaining with porters. Commuters will be charged just Rs 5 for availing the facility.
Divisional Railway Manager of Ahmedabad Ashok Garud said: “We have received a guideline from the Western Railway headquarters regarding introduction of trolleys for passengers at the Ahmedabad railway station. We will execute the plan soon. It will be of great help to railway commuters for sure.”
After Ahmedabad, the facility will be extended to Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara.
Unlike airports, there are some logistic problems in usage of trolleys at railways stations. They cannot be used on overbridges.
Garud said: “A survey is being conducted at the Sardar Vallabbhai International Airport and the railway station to roll out the trolley facility smoothly.
Passenger elevators and escalators will come up at all broad gauge platforms at the Ahmedabad station within six months to facilitate the use of trolleys.”
Once the escalators and elevators are installed, commuters will be able to reach the top of overbridges with their trolleys without any hassle. They will have to walk a few steps up to the lift or escalator connecting the platform they want to go.
Likewise, those alighting from trains can come out of the station with baggage on their trolleys using escalators or elevators.
The introduction of trolleys and golf cars for senior citizens and physically challenged persons at the Ahmedabad station, sources said, could come as a jolt to the 700 porters working there in three shifts. They charge between Rs 15 and Rs 50 to lug luggage of commuters.
However, there had been several instances of porters charging commuters hefty sum. The introduction of trolleys at the station will ease such problems of passengers.

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