CCTVs to help fortify Satyagraha Chhavni

CCTV cameras at all eight gates of the society will keep residents safe inside and unwanted visitors outside

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, January 25, 2010

It was named a Chhavni (encampment) and soon it will turn into one. Satyagraha Chhavni, one of the city’s oldest and poshest societies, is all set to get close-circuit TV cameras to keep residents safe in and unwanted visitors out.
The society is divided into seven sectors that stretch from Satellite to Ramdevnagar. Residents have decided to get the CCTVs installed at all its eight gates.
Society secretary Archana Kandarp Amin said, “We were worried about rising incidents of thefts in surrounding areas. We do have security guards manning the gates. We also shut some of the gates at 11 pm. But we felt a need to tighten security further.”
For this, the residents decided to get CCTV cameras installed. “We will put at least 20 CCTV cameras. The data will be saved for 10 days. We have invited tenders from security firms, which will be opened on Monday evening,” she said.
Right now, guards note down the registration number of vehicles. However, if a person on foot gives the wrong details and then commits a crime, there would be no way of identifying or arresting him/her. The CCTV cameras will rectify this problem.
“The cameras will capture every visitor’s face on reel. Even if a crime is detected a couple of days after it is committed, a 10-day backup will ensure there is time to identify and apprehend the criminal,” said Archana, adding: “The society office will double up as control room for the system.” This is not the only method of securing the society.
stickers for residents’ vehicles; verified hawkers given passes Archana said, “Residents have got special stickers on their vehicles to differentiate them from visitors’ transport. We have also fixed the regular milkman, laundrywallah, pastiwallah and breadwallah. We have noted down their details and checked their background. We have given them special passes for entry. This will keep out unwanted elements.”

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