Of the 96 pictures in Gujarat University’s 2010 diary, 73 have VC Parimal Trivedi in the frame

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (§name=News%20-%20Latest§id=2&contentid=20091215200912150328202143c27cab5)

CONGRATULATIONS, Dr TRIVEDI! That makes YOU this university’s vainest VC ever

The vice-chancellor of Gujarat University (GU), Parimal Trivedi, is 47 years old, but it seems he still hasn’t gotten over the fascination, seen mostly among people half his age, for getting photographed. How else can one explain publication of his 73 pictures in the varsity’s annual diary.

The GU diary for 2009-10 contains a total of 96 pictures. Majority of these show Trivedi glad-handing dignitaries; giving or receiving awards and certificates; gazing aimlessly and engaged in ceremonial niceties.
The most galling thing about the controversial vice-chancellor’s self-lionisation exercise is that it has come at the cost of students. In the over 200-page diary, there is not a single image of students who have either achieved academic brilliance or have done the varsity proud by participating in numerous sports or cultural events.
Trivedi’s ‘visual excesses’ in the annual digest — which contains details about GU’s academic programme; information on various courses; list of affiliated colleges and phone numbers of staff members, including teachers — have apparently dwarfed even the Almighty. The picture of Goddess Saraswati appears in the diary only after Trivedi’s 71st portrait.
Even the university itself has failed to find much prominence. Excluding the cover, there are only three images of GU building in the entire diary. The only people who have managed to win some ‘pictorial pride’ in the publication are the members of varsity’s executive council. There are pictures of about 19 council members in the diary.
Trivedi’s re-appointment as the varsity’s head earlier this year, it seems, has plunged him further into self-adulation: 2008’s diary had his 52 portraits, while this year’s contains 73. A syndicate member of GU, who requested anonymity, said Trivedi’s fixation on highlighting his own “so-called feats” was resulting in embarrassment for the university.
“How can the head of an educational organisation hog space in a publication meant for affiliated colleges? The diary should have pictures of young students who have done well in academics and extra-curricular activities,” the syndicate member said.
Another syndicate member, Manish Doshi, also said that the annual diary should highlight students’ achievements. “He (Trivedi) should not waste money on publications to promote himself. He should spend this money to provide needy students educational grants,” Doshi said.

hy were students feats overlooked ?

Students of Gujarat University have been doing well at the national youth festival for the past five years. Yet, pictures of none of the participants from GU have been included in the annual diary. There are others who have achieved academic brilliance and performed well at numerous competitions. Their images, too, have not been published in the diary for 2009-10. “The diary should have pictures of young students who have done well in academics and extra-curricular activities,” a syndicate member of the Gujarat University, said on condition of anonymity.

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