GTU logs on to e-assessment

GTU logs on to e-assessment
Examiners will correct the next semester answer sheets of ME students online
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, December 09, 2009 at 02:30:56 AM (§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20091209200912090230563395f012704)

Setting its sights on transparent and error-free evaluation system, the Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has decided to introduce e-assessment. It will be the maiden varsity in the state to start online correction of papers.
GTU will start e-assessment like IITs as early as this month. The papers of Master of Engineering (ME) students’ next semester, slated for later this month, will be corrected online by GTU teachers. From next April, the papers will be mailed to external examiners.
Sources said the answer scripts of 500 ME students would be scanned and sent to three different teachers of the university via e-mail. The marks awarded by each teacher would be stored on a server. The average of the marks awarded by the three examiners would be the final score of the students.
An official of GTU said: “There won’t be any discrimination under the new system because three different teachers will check papers. Moreover, it will help us address another grievance of ME students. They often claim that one examiner cannot have the expertise of judging all the answers in a given paper. With three different teachers — experts in separate segments of the ME course — checking the papers, students will get a fair deal.”
He added, “Under the e-assessment system, the number awarded by examiners will be scanned and saved on the server. It will help us get rid of errors during tabulation.” From the next academic session, e-assessment will be introduced in MBA and M Pharm and other PG courses offered by the GTU.

Paper change
The Gujarat Technological University (GTU) will replace A4 size answer papers with A3, which are easy to scan, from the next semester to promote e-assessment.
Space would be earmarked for each answer in the new answer scripts. They will provide more space to students. A3 size papers are used as answer scripts in several universities in China. GTU has also decided to attach two semi-graph papers to its 40-page answer scripts to avoid any foul play.

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