Test teachers to improve level of education: Panel

An exam committee formed by the GSHSEB says the state government should hire school teachers only after they clear a ‘licensure test’

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 02:53:28 AM (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20091110200911100253282189c6a146f)

A 15-member panel constituted by the state education board to review the examination process of classes X, XI and XII has suggested introduction of a test for aspiring school teachers. The panel has said in its report that the
state government should hire teachers only after they clear a “licensure exam”.
The examination, the committee says, will help improve the quality of education in schools.
“It is important to ensure high quality of teaching. Rather than control this only requiring minimum qualifications or ensuring participation of officials in the recruitment process, the state should consider a licensure exam which must be taken by all who want to become teachers,” the panel has said in its report.

“Candidates who score higher may be given preference in terms of postings.”

The 15-member committee has also recommended assessment of existing school teachers. “Even for serving teachers, assessments may be used to identify gaps and needs. These steps can help ensure quality of teachers and the teaching-learning process...,” it has said. These changes are among many sweeping reforms suggested by the panel.

‘Degrees not an indicator of a teacher’s ABILITIES’
The education dean of Gujarat University (GU), R S Patel, told Mirror that he also supported introduction of a test for people wishing to teach in schools. “One cannot become a teacher by simply obtaining a degree (like BEd),” he said. “A person’s aptitude for teaching should be checked to see if he/she is fit to impart knowledge.”
Patel said that inefficient teachers posed a threat to children’s careers. “If a (licensure) test is introduced, then students will get better teachers,” he said. “The state government should hire only those who are serious about helping schoolchildren learn.”
Sources in the GU said that such an examination was conducted in Rajasthan. “In Gujarat, however, teachers are recruited only on the basis of their degrees,” they said. “The UGC, too, recognises a teacher only after he/she clears either the NAT or State Aptitude Test (SAT).” The sources also said that only 1-5 per cent of NAT or SAT applicants clear them.
Meanwhile, the 15-member panel has also suggested introduction of a teacher
support system, wherein tutors get exposure to motivational programmes. The system, it has said in its report, will help teachers prepare for their classes in a much better way.

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