Soon, schools info a click away
District Education office is setting up a website that will have information on every school functioning in Ahmedabad district
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, November 05, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009110520091105030647609b3e28181)
In all, there are around 550 schools in Ahmedabad district. All these schools have been sent a 48-page booklet containing 175 questions which go into minutest details of the schools. Fifteen days have been given to the schools to answer these questions.
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, November 05, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009110520091105030647609b3e28181)
A website, being set up by the Ahmedabad District Education Office (ADEO) and scheduled to start functioning within the next one month, promises to list comprehensive data on all government-run and aided schools as well as of private schools located in Ahmedabad district.

Said KK Rathod, district education officer, “A one-stop website listing details of all schools within Ahmedabad district is a much-needed project and it was in the pipeline for some time now. Finally, it will see the light of the day. Details (on the website) will be so comprehensive, the portal will prove to be a huge boon for parents, students and educationists.”
A Vadodara-based company has been given the contract to set up the website. Rathod believes schools will become more responsible after the website. He said, “Around 550 schools will be featured on the website, and no school would want to pale in comparison to the other. All schools featured will vie to give best facilities to the students.”
Some of the questions
♦ Date of inception
♦ A list of facilities, safety measures and security
♦ Staff details, including teachers’ qualification, fluency in English and other skills
♦ Status of playground and canteen
♦ Level of green cover in and around school premises
♦ Specialised courses and internet availability