Consultants ask Aussie govt to publish list of dodgy colleges
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20091111200911110228362654bc00656)
THE Victorian government had begun with a list of 17 colleges. But the number more than doubled to 41. The colleges are suspected of exploiting students, migration fraud and breaches of education law.
Posted On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=20091111200911110228362654bc00656)
The Federation of Foreign Education Consultants in India (FFECI) has requested the Victorian government in Australia to publish the list of training colleges being audited for posing as ‘high risk’ to foreign students.

The colleges — all run by private providers — provide vocational courses for mainly Indian students seeking permanent residence in Australia. Investigators are examining facilities and courses offered against federal government guidelines.
FFECI secretary Raghuvir Singh Khuswaha said, “Authorities of the Meridian Group, which closed down four colleges in Sydney and Melbourne on November 6, were in Ahmedabad in the last week of October to enrol students. It is highly likely that other ‘high-risk’ colleges that have not collapsed yet are also recruiting students.
If this happens, more Indian youths will fall prey to such rogue colleges. To stop this, the Australian government should publish a list of colleges they are investigating or put a stop to their admission process.”
This will not only prevent students from getting trapped, it will also protect the reputation of the Australian government which has taken a severe beating following the attack on Indians and now the college collapses, he said, adding: “The Australian government can hand over their audit list/report to the Indian government.”
FFECI members also plan to visit Delhi next week and meet the Minister of Overseas Affairs. “We will request the ministry to frame laws to prevent the occurrence of such incidents. The government must ensure the safety of its citizens studying abroad,” said Khushwaha.