Mission Wipro: Training 10,000 teachers by 2010

Azim Premji’s training programme for engineering faculty is aimed at improving quality of graduates and reaches out to colleges in 14 states
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, September 19, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=3&contentid=2009091920090919025829296cdce14a9)
Employability, not lack of talent, is the key challenge faced by the engineering industry in India, said Wipro Technologies Chairman Azim Premji at a conference recently. In a bid to bridge the gap between talent and employability required by the corporate world, Wipro launched Mission 10X on Teacher’s Day — a not-for-profit programme aimed at enhancing employability skills of engineering graduates.
The programme comprising workshops, presentation and assignment will train engineering faculty, who in turn, will help students acquire skills in specific areas required by the industry.

The programme has already reached thousands of teachers of colleges in 14 states including Gujarat. Faculties of three city colleges: L D Engineering College, Nirma University and Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Engineering have already received training.
L D Engineering Principal M N Patel and Nirma University Director N V Vasani participated in a Mission 10X conference organised by Azim Premji in Bangalore on September 15.
“Companies put in a lot of time and resources into training engineering graduates, as 75 per cent of them can not be directly put on the job.”
“We will empower teachers with innovative teaching techniques and tools which will help their students to improve the level of learning and to apply the concepts to varying practical situations,” said Premji.
Wipro’s partners for the programme include Anna University, Dale Carnegie Training, IIT Bombay and University of Cambridge.
10,000 TEACHERS BY 2010
Engineering college faculty hold engineering degrees, but have no formal training in teaching methods and tools. The Mission 10X faculty enablement workshops are conducted by experts from engineering and social sciences whose target is to train 10,000 faculty members across India by September 2010.

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