GU youth festival to open on Sept 10

Host colleges of all five zones, consisting of 325 affiliated colleges, complain Gujarat University’s contribution for youth festival trials and selections inadequate
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Sunday, August 09, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :
Gujarat University has kicked off preparations for its annual youth festival scheduled for October 2-4. With 325 colleges affiliated to it, GU has divided the entire lot into five groups based on their location for easy management.
Colleges leading each of the groups is made the host for all colleges in that zone. The host college — one each in Ellisbridge North zone, Ellisbridge South, Ahmedabad city, South zone I and South zone II — will conduct selections in September from among 6,000-odd contesting students. The top teams and individual performers from each zone will participate in the university’s inter-zonal youth festival in early October.
University sources said the festival will consist at least 26 events, including music, dance, theatre, fine arts etc. Winners will then represent GU in the inter-university state festival, and subsequently the nationals.
The varsity gives the host colleges between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 3.25 lakh towards event management expenses, which the hosts complain is a pittance. They end up forking out at least Rs 4 lakh from their own funds to successfully see the events through.
Colleges hence avoiding hosting events. In a major embarrassment for GU last year, none of the colleges from the prestigious Ellisbridge South zone volunteered to host the event leading to vice-chancellor Parimal Trivedi to request GLS group to play host and bail them out.
Says Sudhir Nanavati, “Last year, the VC persuaded us to host the Ellisbridge South event for there were no other takers. And we ended up spending lakhs from our pocket.” “This year, we don’t intend to be the host. Also, team selections involve a lot of politics, which we don’t want to indulge in.”

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