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Education inspector caught on tape accepting bribe to get two kids admitted to Junior KG in Kubernagar school
By Yogesh Avasthi & Shraddha Singh
Posted On Monday, July 13, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :
If there was any doubt admissions in educational institutes are done by bribing officials, they can now be laid to rest. Here’s an Education Inspector caught on tape accepting money from a go-between for admission of two children. To medical college ? MBA ? No, Junior KG.
The Education Inspector in question is H R Polra, in charge of Naroda beat of District Education Office (DEO). He was approached by parents of two children through a friend of theirs after their two daughters failed in an admission test held in February 2009 by a Kubernagar school.
The go-between, Rajesh Tekchandani, had heard Education Inspector Polra could help, and approached him on behalf of the parents. Polra flatly declined to help in the first meeting. Tekchandani had also heard Polra worked for money. In the second meeting, he talked of money, if that was what it took to get admission. Polra agreed, and the two fixed the amount at Rs 50,000. His part of the ‘contract’ was to persuade the school to give the kids admission, while Tekchandani had to pay up half the amount in the next meeting.

The next meeting took place on June 13, 2009. This time, Tekchandani took along his friend Dushyant Shahani for the meeting with Polra at his office at Ellisbridge. Shahani was armed with a spy camera attach to a pen tucked into his shirt pocket. The plan was to fix Polra.
Tekchandani handed Polra Rs 20,000 in two bundles of notes, with Shahani watching and recording the act seated diagonally. The Education Inspector then gave Tekchandani a chit addressed to the principal requesting two admissions. The two left after a brief conversation.
The chit did not do the trick instantly. The principal was not amenable when Tekchandani met him on June 15. Polra however persuaded him to give one kid admission. But the parents wanted both the kids to get admitted. Then talks began with Polra on July 10 for the second instalment, which Tekchandani recorded on his mobile phone. Tekchandani asked the officer to scale down the amount a bit to make it easier for the parents to pay up.
Adamant at first, Polra settled for Rs 45,000. Tekchandani claimed Polra said he’ll be under the school’s obligation, and may have to clear one of its files stuck in education department and help the principal get an NoC to get a permanent posting. (Transcript).

Hence, a balance of Rs 25,000 was to paid to Polra. Tekchandani paid up the amount on July 11. Polra received the money seated in a Qualis MUV near a shopping complex in Sardarnagar. He met Polra alone, without any spycam, to avoid suspicion. But then, all the recording that had to be done was done.
AM asked Tekchandani why he took the risk of offering bribe to a government official and recording it on film. He said he did it with the consent of the kids’ parents. “People who take bribe for admissions to Junior KG will stop at nothing. Imagine how difficult they will make it for us when our children reach senior levels and go in for higher studies. Such people need to be exposed and stopped.”

Polra could be in for trouble. AM met Education Secretary Hasmukh Adhia and showed him the camera recording and played out the phone transcripts. Adhia said the matter was serious and needed investigation. He immediately called up Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) inspector general Teerthraj and handed him the investigation in the case.
AM asked H R Polra if he got two children admitted for money. He said he may have got some kids admitted on somebody’s request, but not for money. Asked if he was the man in the camera recording, he said, “I can tell you that only after seeing the recording.” On whether he had been to a certain spot in Sardarnagar in a Qualis, he said, “I did go there in a Qualis for exam duty. But I did not meet anybody, nor did I take any money.”
The transcript of the conversation
The conversati The transcript of the conversation on that took place between Rajesh Tekchandani and H R Polra on telephone on July 10 (Translated from Hindi into English)
Polra : Polra Sahab speaking...
Tekchandani : Yes, Polraji.
Polra : When are you coming?
Tekchandani : Are you done with your Gandhinagar work?
Polra : Are... I am already in Ahmedabad.
Tekchandani : Where are you right now?
Polra : I am in my office.
Tekchandani : I am outside. I am sending Dushyantbhai, who had accompanied me to your office last time.
Polra: Yes, yes.
Tekchandani: Sahab, I have already given you Rs 20,000. Now you tell me. Whatever you say, I will give you in a cover and Dushyantbhai will deliver it you.
Polra : I had told you my requirement day before yesterday.
Tekchandani : Please sahab, reduce the amount a little bit.
Polra : I told you nothing can be reduced further. You have to give me the remaining amount.
Tekchandani : How much, Rs 25,000?
Polra : Yes.
Tekchandani : Isn’t Rs 25,000 too much sahab?
Polra : Not at all. It’s an absolutely perfect amount.
Tekchandani : Not too much?
Polra : I have done two admissions. For the first one Rs 20,000 and for this Rs 25,000. It’s fine. The amount can’t be reduced further.
Tekchandani : Ok sahab. But sahab, Rs 45,000 is too high for two admissions. Please sahab, reduce the amount a bit more. First admission, you did it in Rs 20,000. Please reduce at lease some amount for this one.
Polra : I have already reduced Rs 5,000. I won’t reduce anymore. Though I had told you Rs 25,000 for each admission, I reduced Rs 5,000. You should understand. Ok?
Tekchandani: Yes sahab, Please sahab, do something. Then I will quickly send Dushyantbhai with the money in a cover.
Polra : (In an angry tone) I have already told you yaar, it’s not too much. He has given me some work to do, which I have to do. And for which I also have to spend some amount.
Tekchandani : I didn’t understand. Whose work you have to do?
Polra : I have to do his work.Tekchandani: Ok. It means ........ school principal’s work ?
Polra : Yes, yes. I have to do his work. I won’t take money from him for his work. I told him, you do my work and I will do your work in return.
Tekchandani : Ok
Polra : That’s why I am telling you, Rs 45,000 is not too much. You should try to understand.
Tekchandani : Ok sahab, you quote the amount, I will send it to you willingly under cover within one hour. Polra: So send the remaining amount of Rs 25,000 to my office.

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