Quality conversion in train travel

In a new Railway Board initiative, neatness and efficiency in services on trains and stations will be the responsibility of designated officers; Division chief to look after A’bad station
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=3&contentid=20090715200907150225285461aea81ba)
Amidst bickering between past and present railway ministers or increase-decrease in fares, the best thing to have happened to train travel recently is the all-new focus on neatness that the Railway Board has embarked on. The new initiative likely to deliver the goods. The Board for the first time has assigned senior officials responsibility of ensuring neatness and efficiency in services on trains under their personal charge. The nation-wide programme was launched a week ago.
Thus, expect constant supply of water on trains, dirt-free toilets cleaned at every major station, clean linen and ACs in functioning order. All this for stations too. No more dry taps, mess on platforms and possibly deliverance from rats on tracks. But while the drive is underway, the results may take some time to show.
The Ahmedabad Railway Division will ensure cleanliness on trains origination at stations under its jurisdiction as will other divisions. Designated officers will travel onboard and inspect hygiene conditions and delivery of services on trains. In what could be a boon for legitimate passengers, the officers will also check ticket-less travel and forcible occupation of seats by unauthorised passengers. They will mind all coaches i.e. class II sleeper and AC coaches.
Divisional Railway Manager (Ahmedabad) Ashok Garud will himself be in charge of Kalupur station. Being the highest authority in the division, he will set the standard for other officers and stations. “We have delegated charge of stations and trains to all senior officials. The Additional DRM will look after Gandhidham, Palanpur, Mehsana and Bhuj, the Divisional Commercial Manager will oversee Maninagar, and so on. We will concentrate on passenger amenities and services, cleanliness and security on trains and stations.”
Officers will also keep tab on onboard catering, in terms of hygiene and quality of food, the service and bills charged. Catering deficiencies were a common grievance of passengers, which the Railway Board has taken up for special scrutiny.
Passengers complaint will be looked into keenly and solved to the extent possible. “The in-charge officials will go round all coaches and ensure passengers are satisfied with the service,” said Garud. They will begin by identifying what all is neglected and defective and needs to be fixed in terms of facilities and services, and register the remedial measures taken.

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