Latest exam cheating device: MP3 player

Sailesh Patel used an MP3 player to cheat in his computer applications exam. Unfortunately for him, he failed to hide it
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, June 22, 2009 (Ahmedbad Mirror :
When the world itself is governed by technology, why should it not be used to cheat in exams? Sailesh Patel, from Gotha, decided to show the way and equipped himself with an MP3 player while appearing for his Bachelor of Computer Applications exam at LD Arts College on June 16.
The exam was conducted by the Indira Gandhi National Open University. The plan was pretty simple : Patel had scanned and downloaded diagrams and answers on his 16-GB MP3 player. He would just glance through the device for help, while writing away his exams.
Just when Patel thought he had pulled it off, the examiners demanded a look at his friendly device. Patel couldn’t quite tuck it inside his pocket in time, and had no option but to hand it over.
A search of the device revealed the diagrams Patel had copied, and notes scanned. The device was confiscated, and Patel found himself out of the exam hall a lot earlier than he had hoped.
Said ahipatsinh Chavda, principal, LD Arts College, “We have seen pen drives and hi-tech calculators being used by exam cheats. But this guy, Sailesh Patel, turned out to be extremely innovative. Imagine cheating through an MP3 player!”
Patel works at a shop where electronic goods are repaired. The MP3 player he used to cheat belongs to a customer of the shop. While repairing it, he got the idea of downloading diagrams and notes on it.
Chits, calculators, notebooks... these are passe. Today, examiners have to guard against pen drives and MP3 players.

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