By Yogesh Avasthi, Shifana Panja, Krutika Pillarisett and Divya Mudgil
Posted On Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :
Trying to gain information about courses at Gujarat University is like going through a maze. As many as 125 courses were introduced by Vice-Chancellor Parimal Trivedi in the past three years. As GU’s state-of-the-art information centre remains non-functional (Koi info nathi; AM, June 6), three AM reporters decided to pose as students seeking information, some of these ‘new’ subjects. What they ended up doing ? Running from one room to another, from one building to another as none of the employees had any idea about these fields.
Around 2 pm, Shifana, Krutika and Divya first landed outside the ‘puch-parach baari’ or the inquiry window at room 5. This room has been lying locked since Saturday, if not earlier. A notice in chalk on the nearby wooden door directed students to room no 38 on the first floor. A long line greeted the trio there. The employees manning the room were out for lunch. Two employees straggled in by 3.10 pm. As students posed their queries, one of them handed over a thick manual listing all the courses offered by the university. Interestingly, for a varsity that admits 1.25 lakh students each year, there was just one manual at the counter.
Divya went first, seeking data on part-time courses that could be done along with a bachelor’s degree course. The man handed over the manual, with the warning: “We offer only those courses listed here.” But the manual had no information about part-time courses. Divya asked if GU had a course in journalism. “There’s an H K institute near the bank. Also, there’s a college near Rajpath Club but I do not know its name.”
Divya went to HK, but the institute was deserted. There were three men and a woman in the office who were so busy talking, they had no time to answer students. “Bahar notice board pe likha hai sab kuch,” they said. When Divya asked about part-time courses, the woman employee rudely replied: “These are the only courses we offer.”
Divya went back to room 38 to ask about career-oriented programmes and the man handed over the manual again. But it did not contain data on fashion designing, creative arts and journalism. “The employee asked me to wait for his colleague who returned from lunch at 3.20 pm. I was given a printout listing names of certain colleges. The man asked me to write down the names of the colleges, then go there and check out if the colleges really offered these courses,” said Divya. The man had no information about fee, timing and course duration either. CLUELESS EMPLOYEESK
rutika wanted to know about the bio-medical technology course and was asked to visit Vigyan Bhavan. Asked for directions, the employee said: “Follow the signboards”. Krutika said, “There are several science departments on the campus and I visited quite a few till I landed up at the zoology department where I received the data.”
Shifana Panja inquired about the SEZ Management course. The manual was plonked before her, too. But it had no information about this course. The employee sent her to the Centre of Defence and Professional Studies, which was locked. When she went back, the employee said, “The man who has the information is off duty. Come tomorrow.” Asked about International Tax English and Forensic Accounting courses, the employee repeated, “Come tomorrow.”
In his three-year tenure, Vice-Chancellor Parimal Trivedi introduced 125 new courses. When told that no one in the varsity had information about these subjects, he said: “It depends on whom you ask. Even the information officers may not have the information because I have not revealed all details. There are several courses that are still in the planning stages.”
Asked about the courses on foreign languages, he said, “It will start in the World Language Laboratory. But the authorities will not know about this. It will come up at the Home Science department.”On the SEZ Management course, the Vice-Chancellor informed that the course runs in the Centre for Defence and Professional Studies. Told it was lying locked for a long time now, Trivedi was speechless.He also had no idea that no one had been tending the inquiry window for four days now. “No student ever complained to me. I’ll look into the matter.”

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