Panel for semester

The panel, set up by the state education dept, has made several recommendations in its report, which will be submitted this week
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, May 26, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :
The state education department has set up a five-member panel to study the feasibility of grading of marks and the semester system in keeping with the University Grants Commission’s directive to introduced the innovations as part of education reforms at undergraduate and PG levels.
The panel will submit its report later this week.The five-member panel, called Grading and Syllabus Committee, comprises ex-VC of South Gujarat University R G Kothari, MS University’s Sitanshu Yashashchandra, ex-VC of Gujarat University A U Patel, MSU’s R K Goel and a senior official of the education department. The committee will recommend changes in study methodology as practised currently in arts, science and commerce streams.
Sources said the committee’s objective is to upgrade the syllabus and change the current marking system to enable students to enter industry or professions straight after graduation. Two members of the team, A U Patel and R K Goel, visited Madras University last week to study the functioning of the grading and semester systems. The duo interacted with officials of the university departments, the faculty and state education department officials.
Madras University allows students to take up elective subjects along with those of their specific stream, i.e. permitting a student to study journalism while being in science stream or take up physics while being an arts student. Such flexibility in subject selection coupled with grading and semester system attracted as many as 650 foreign students to Madras University last year.
‘Reforms may not be introduced this year’Committee sources said despite submitting the report in the next few days, the panel’s recommendations may not be implemented in the forthcoming academic year beginning in June for lack of time. The panel will, however, put up a model on implementation covering the entire gamut of reforms recommended.
The UGC has suggested grading system in university exams with a view to end unhealthy competition. Results reflected in grades like A+, A, B+, B etc. will reduce unfair comparison.

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