11 dyslexic children clear central board

All dyslexic kids from school Prerna notch up more than 55% in Central Board class X exam
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, May 28, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=3&contentid=2009052820090528025629258b219903)
Of the many students from the city who cleared the CBSE class X exam, considered tougher than the state Boards, 11 were dyslexic children from special school Prerna run by Calorx Foundation. It’s the only school in the state especially dedicated to this section of children.
The feat is significant for unlike other dreaded diseases like thalassemia and asthma, dyslexia directly affects a child’s ability to learn and study. These kids have to be taught through non-conventional methods and techniques.
At Prerna, dyslexic children are given special, preferably one-to-one, attention. The teaching concept stresses on explaining through diagrams, charts and models as against writing on blackboard. “These children study the same CBSE syllabus as other kids, but the difference is in the training technique. There were very few such children in the Board exam this year, and ours was the only school catering to them.
All 11 of our students passed the CBSE Board exam this year,” said Principal of Prerna school, Aarti Mishra.All the kids in fact performed commendably, notching up more than 55 per cent marks. AM talked to twins Kaivan and Kaizad Dastoor, who stood first (78.4%) and third (65.6%) among the group, respectively. Said Kaizad, “Kaivan and I studied for 10-12 hours everyday. We never took tuition. I now want to be an IT engineer.”
Kaizad is a keen sportsman, excelling in boxing and shooting. He’s competed four times at national-level shooting. Twin brother Kaivan wants to be an IPS officer. “I want be an honest officer and help improve the image of the hard-working police force.” He too likes shooting, boxing, and cooking. Their father, M F Dastoor, is additional chief fire officer in Ahmedabad Emergency and Fire Services.

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