GU to introduce PG course on renewable energy

Submits Rs 80-lakh project proposal to UGC, plans to instal solar panels, blinds to trap energy
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 03:26:19 AM (Ahmedabad Mirror :
Gujarat University is planning to introduce a post graduate course in renewable energy from this academic session. The four-semester Master of Science (Msc) programme will focus on types renewable and clean energy such as solar and wind energy and the best methods to tap them, to counter the depletion of energy sources.
The Rs 80 lakh project proposal submitted under University Grants Commission’s (UGC)Innovative Programmes is awaiting the commission’s approval. Lucknow University had also submitted a similar proposal before the UGC recently. GU is planning to construct an ‘energy sufficient’ building where the course will be taught. It also plans to install microprocessors controlling blinds on the windows and doors of all the university buildings and hostels.
The blinds trap solar energy and convert it into electrical energy. Solar panels will also be installed on roofs of buildings to trap solar energy. The country’ annual energy consumption is around 1.32 lakh megawatts, which is estimated to double by 2020. The Planning Commission had recently said that we need to create 1 lakh MW wind energy by 2030.

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