Letter on diamond workers’ plight in BA answer sheet

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Monday, April 13, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=3&contentid=20090413200904130206085525639788a)
The recession-hit diamond industry has started to cast a shadow on the Gujarat University answer sheets. An examiner correcting the Hindi (second subsidiary) paper of the BA first year examination was enlightened about the sufferings of jobless diamond workers’ families by a letter written on an answer sheet.
Professor Anil Parmar of St Xavier’s was the examiner who went through the unique experience. Among several Hindi answer sheets he was correcting, one stood out. The answers were followed by a letter written in Gujarati. The gender used in the letter hinted that the examinee was a girl.
Narrating the plight of her family, she wrote, “My father was a worker in the diamond industry. He lost his job due to recession six months ago. Since my mother is a diabetes patient, she also cannot work. Thus, I have started doing petty jobs to support my family.”
Admitting that her preparations for the exam were not up to her expectations, she stated, “It was very difficult to prepare for the examination. I know my preparations for the examination is not up to the mark. I don’t expect high marks, but I want to pass in the exam. If I lose a year, I won’t be able to continue with my studies. Please give me pass marks in the exam. God bless you.”
Parmar, after reading the letter, brought the incident to the notice of Natu Verma, the sub-coordinator of BA first-year paper assessment. After minutely scrutinising the letter, Verma said: “The girl did not disclose her identity anywhere in the paper. Thus, she will not be charged with copy case.
“She has been awarded marks according to the merit of her answers. We did not sympathise with her,” Verma said, adding it was the first letter found while correcting the BA first and second year papers.He also said that not a single instance of currency notes attached to answer sheets was detected in the first and second year BA examination papers.

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