‘New university will leave GU poorer’
Ex-Gujarat University vice chancellor A U Patel tells Yogesh Avasthi why reputed colleges will shift to the new university, leaving GU with only colleges that do not attract many brighter students
Posted On Tuesday, March 03, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009030320090303024744919fe42aacbctid=3&contentid=2009030320090303024744919fe42aacb)
For the past 15 years, private universities have been cropping up everywhere in the country, except Gujarat. With the nod for the Ahmedabad University, the scene of education here will change for the better. New universities know the market demand and introduce professional courses
accordingly. They also pay a lot of attention to the quality of education provided. And this is the reason why students are ready to pay huge amounts of money as fees to secure a seat in these institutions.With the backing of corporates, the Ahmedabad University promises to provide international exposure to students by collaborating with institutions from the US and Europe. The course syllabus is likely to be dynamic.
AM reported the stories on June 13 last year and March 1In older universities, especially those running under the aegis of the state government, changing the syllabus is extremely tough. Professors, policies and politics hampers change. The universities fail to adapt to changing times. As a result, there’s no research. This means nobody funds research projects that could lead to the development of the university and state. Lack of money forces the university to raise its fee, but even a minor hike causes a major stir as many feel that the quality of education provided does not match the proposed fee.
The Ahmedabad Education Society has contributed the most to encourage education in the city. AES helped develop the city as an educational hub, by donating land to set up Gujarat University, IIM and numerous other institutes. It also runs 11 colleges, presently affiliated to the Gujarat University.By setting up its own varsity, the trust is now parting ways with Gujarat University. The GU must evaluate its decision and decide why such a prestigious trust is leaving its side. AES-run colleges like H L Commerce, M G Science and L M Pharmacy are among the best institutes in GU’s bouquet.
The golden reputation of these colleges attract students from across the state. Once they shift to the new university along with MBA, MCA, BBA and Commerce self-financed colleges, Gujarat University will become poor. It will be left with Science, Commerce and Arts colleges, of which, only Commerce is a bit profitable and attracts a sizeable number of students.
Even GU-affiliated grant-in-aid colleges are likely to shift to the new university once they sort out issues related to staff, salary payment and subsidised fees. Unless Gujarat University revamps itself, it may lose the race. But it’s not fair to say that everything about the new universities is great. Most of the trusts that build new universities do not have scientists, management experts or educationists on their panel.
If these men are included in the managing committee, they can suggest new courses, encourage research and introduce new methods of educating students. If this is not done, the university will gradually stagnate and the quality of education will fall.
Posted On Tuesday, March 03, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009030320090303024744919fe42aacbctid=3&contentid=2009030320090303024744919fe42aacb)
For the past 15 years, private universities have been cropping up everywhere in the country, except Gujarat. With the nod for the Ahmedabad University, the scene of education here will change for the better. New universities know the market demand and introduce professional courses

AM reported the stories on June 13 last year and March 1In older universities, especially those running under the aegis of the state government, changing the syllabus is extremely tough. Professors, policies and politics hampers change. The universities fail to adapt to changing times. As a result, there’s no research. This means nobody funds research projects that could lead to the development of the university and state. Lack of money forces the university to raise its fee, but even a minor hike causes a major stir as many feel that the quality of education provided does not match the proposed fee.
The Ahmedabad Education Society has contributed the most to encourage education in the city. AES helped develop the city as an educational hub, by donating land to set up Gujarat University, IIM and numerous other institutes. It also runs 11 colleges, presently affiliated to the Gujarat University.By setting up its own varsity, the trust is now parting ways with Gujarat University. The GU must evaluate its decision and decide why such a prestigious trust is leaving its side. AES-run colleges like H L Commerce, M G Science and L M Pharmacy are among the best institutes in GU’s bouquet.
The golden reputation of these colleges attract students from across the state. Once they shift to the new university along with MBA, MCA, BBA and Commerce self-financed colleges, Gujarat University will become poor. It will be left with Science, Commerce and Arts colleges, of which, only Commerce is a bit profitable and attracts a sizeable number of students.
Even GU-affiliated grant-in-aid colleges are likely to shift to the new university once they sort out issues related to staff, salary payment and subsidised fees. Unless Gujarat University revamps itself, it may lose the race. But it’s not fair to say that everything about the new universities is great. Most of the trusts that build new universities do not have scientists, management experts or educationists on their panel.
If these men are included in the managing committee, they can suggest new courses, encourage research and introduce new methods of educating students. If this is not done, the university will gradually stagnate and the quality of education will fall.