Kare koi, bhare koi

Board clarifies that physically challenged students are entitled to extra time after fracture scam-smitten centre heads deny them additional 30 minutes
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, March 19, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=3&contentid=20090319200903190233518458ddaf26d)

The ripples of the fake fractures and impostor writers’ scam last year allegedly cost physically challenged Board examinees 30-40 marks on the first two days, as edgy centre heads denied them additional time owing to confusion over revised norms.
Worse, several parents had to visit offices of respective district education officers (DEO) with their disabled wards in tow to seek permission for extra time.With several complaints pouring in to the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board on the issue, it issued a notice on Wednesday clearly stating that differently-abled examinees were entitled to get additional 30 minutes for writing their papers.
But the clarification came a tad late, as it reached the centres after the examinations were over on the second day. By then, many students had forfeited several marks and had to bear the pain of visiting the DEO’s office for ‘justice’.
Jay’s sorrow
Jay Bharghav Pathak is a Class X Board examinee from Best High School in Maninagar. This 90 per cent physically challenged examinee was denied additional time on Tuesday at his examination centre at Durga Vidyalaya despite showing several documents certifying his problems.Jay’s father lodged a complaint with DEO, Ahmedabad (City), in this regard on Tuesday. When an official of DEO’s office got in touch with the authorities of
Jay Pathak Durga Vidyalaya, he was told, Jay appeared to be fit to write his paper in the allotted time.
Subsequently, Jay, a fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) patient, was asked to appear in the DEO’s office physically. After personally inspecting him, the DEO issued Jay a certificate on Wednesday evening declaring that he was entitled to get additional time.
Darshan’s plight
Forty-five per cent physically challenged Darshan Santaram Patel is appearing in Class XII Board examination. This commerce student of Meghdut School in Maninagar was denied extra time at Swaminarayan High School during his accountancy paper on Tuesday. Darshan’s father had to take him to the DEO’s office on Wednesday evening to prove that he genuinely required additional time.

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