Heart attack on train? WR rushes to the aid
Seven trains have been kitted out with augmented first-aid kits that carry life-saving drugs and has portable equipment to carry out a mini operation
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, March 14, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009031420090314030405537ec1fbdc)
When you are miles away from the family medicine chest, there’s always cause for worry. But you can put all your tensions to rest if you are travelling with Western Railway. WR’s Ahmedabad division has upgraded the regular medical kit to include life-saving medicines for asthmatics and heart patients. It even had portable equipment needed for a mini operation!
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, March 14, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/index.aspx?Page=article§name=News%20-%20City§id=3&contentid=2009031420090314030405537ec1fbdc)
When you are miles away from the family medicine chest, there’s always cause for worry. But you can put all your tensions to rest if you are travelling with Western Railway. WR’s Ahmedabad division has upgraded the regular medical kit to include life-saving medicines for asthmatics and heart patients. It even had portable equipment needed for a mini operation!
Every train is equipped with a regular first-aid box containing medicine
s for small wounds and fever. The new kit, however, is divided into two boxes: one containing medicines, BP apparatus stethoscope, torch and splints; while the other has foot suction apparatus, laryngoscope, ambu bag, portable oxygen cylinder and other surgical instruments.

Seven trains — Rajdhani Express, Karnavati Express, Gujarat Mail, Ashram Express, Haridwar Mail, Udaipur Express and Sabarmati Express — have been equipped with the kit. “Ahmedabad division is the only one in Western Railway to have augmented its medical kit. The staff can save lives by providing timely treatment to patients. The kit has life-saving drugs and equipment needed to conduct a mini operation if necessary,” said Senior Divisional Commercial Manager (Ahmedabad) Uday Shankar Jha.
The railways will also paste a notice at the entrance of each coach to make passengers aware of the facilities available on the train. “A traveller should not suppress his pain thinking there’s no way help can reach him,” he added. The railway staff is trained in first aid. Also, before a train journey commences, a list of doctors travelling on the train will be made.
If any passenger needs medical assistance, he/she can contact the TTE who shall intimate the doctors. “If there’s a doctor travelling on the train, he can help the patient. He will have all the medicines and equipment needed to provide treatment. Right now, seven trains have been kitted out, but we will gradually equip other trains as well,” said Jha.
Patients in a serious condition can be treated till they can be hospitalised at the next station.
Trains with kits
Rajdhani Express , Karnavati Express , Gujarat Mail , Ashram Express, Haridwar Mail, Udaipur Express, Sabarmati Express
To your aid
The augmented first-aid kit has two units.
A) Static box Metal box, Portable oxygen cylinder with accessories, Laryngoscope , Ambu bag, Curved artery forceps , Needle holder, Scissors, Toothed dissecting forceps, Suction pump foot
B) Mobile box to be used by first aider and qualified doctorStethoscope, Extensible wooden splints, Sphygmomanometer aneroid Pencil torch, Adrenaline injection (treats cardiac arrest, other cardiac dysrhythmias) , Atropine injection (used to treat extremely low heart rate, in cardiac arrest) , Deriphyllin (used in asthma)
A) Static box Metal box, Portable oxygen cylinder with accessories, Laryngoscope , Ambu bag, Curved artery forceps , Needle holder, Scissors, Toothed dissecting forceps, Suction pump foot
B) Mobile box to be used by first aider and qualified doctorStethoscope, Extensible wooden splints, Sphygmomanometer aneroid Pencil torch, Adrenaline injection (treats cardiac arrest, other cardiac dysrhythmias) , Atropine injection (used to treat extremely low heart rate, in cardiac arrest) , Deriphyllin (used in asthma)