Nod sought for new technical course colleges

By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 03:36:10 AM (Ahmedabad Mirror :

A slew of new degree and diploma level technical institutes in pharmacy, business management and computer science are likely to open in the state in the academic year 2009-2010. A number of trusts, organisations and technical institutes have applied to All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for permission to establish new institutes.
According to sources, applications have been received for 54 MBA colleges, 12 MCA institutes, 31 engineering degree colleges, 15 engineering diploma institutes and 16 pharmacy degree colleges. The director of technical education board has proposed that existing engineering institutions run an additional shift to accommodate more students.
The board has suggested this to eight out of 14 existing engineering colleges. Sources said sixty seats are likely to be sanctioned for MBA, MCA and degree pharmacy colleges per class, while 240 seats could be allotted to degree and diploma engineering colleges. An approval from AICTE will mean more options in professional courses for students in the state. The development could even reduce the migration of Gujarati students to other states.

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