Man accuses school of tuition scam

Alleges school authorities failed his daughter for refusing to join tuition classes run by Maths teacher
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Friday, January 02, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror : )

Rajendra Patel received only the front page of mark sheets where question-wise marks are talliedRajendra Patel is overjoyed by a recent ruling of the Central Information Commission (CIC) that will now allow students to know their question-wise marks secured in examinations, under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The December 22 ruling will help push the second RTI petition he filed on October 15 to get a dekko at his daughter Hevan’s complete answersheet.
Rajendra believes the complete document will help him unmask the tuition scam going on at his daughter’s alma mater Vijaynagar Secondary School in Naranpura. He alleged that Hevan, who was a Std XI Science student at the school, was failed in exams because she had refused to take tuition from one of the school teachers. He filed an RTI application for her marksheet, but received only the front page where the question-wise marks are tallied.
“My daughter had scored 78 per cent in Std X. She opted for Science stream in Std XI. Her Maths teacher Mahesh Patel used to pressurise her to join his tuition classes. Her refusal led to harassment in school,” said Rajendra. He added, “Hevan’s classmates who took tuition from the teacher were favoured while my daughter was humiliated and failed for not falling in line.
“The school authorities failed Hevan in the annual exam while the ‘favoured’ classsmates passed.”He approached the DEO and spoke to the school principal but received no help. That’s when he decided to take the RTI route. He filed an application under the RTI Act on May 23 and sought the answersheets of his daughter (roll no 2) and those taking tuition (roll nos 3 and 8).The school handed over copies of the first page of the answersheets to Rajendra on October 10.
Rajendra says, “The answersheets of the other two students show they had failed, but were later passed after school authorities made corrections in marks. The corrections are clearly visible on the copies I have. Yet, they failed my daughter. Since I do not have the complete answersheets in hand, I cannot say anything more.”Denying the allegations, principal Dr Narendra Trivedi said, “The girl was weak in studies and had failed her term exams, too.
We had warned her parents but they refused to pay heed. We did not fail her intentionally. We have given them whatever documents they sought from us.”What about the corrections on the answersheets? Dr Trivedi said, “It is possible that the teacher made a mistake while tallying the marks, and on realising it, made the correction.” On realising that he could do little without the complete answersheets, Rajendra filed another RTI appeal on October 15, seeking copies of the entire answersheets.

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