Cong youth wings to get fresh legs

Elections for NSUI, Youth Cong office-bearers soon
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Thursday, January 08, 2009 (Ahmedabad Mirror :

In a bid to induct young turks and do away with the dead wood, the Congress has decided to introduce three-tier election system for selecting office-bearers for its youth wings — National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) and Youth Congress. The elections for selecting the college, district and state level office-bearers, believe NSUI leaders, would help maintain transparency and promote pro-active leaders in the grassroots. Few posts of office-bearers would be reserved for SC/ST and minority communities to ensure representation of youth from all sections of the society.

The tenure of each panel of NSUI and Youth Congress would be two years and 33 per cent of their seats would be reserved for girls. According to the new plan, details of all the NSUI members would be posted on the NSUI website. The revamp scheme, a dream project of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, has advocated several changes in the existing rules and regulations of NSUI and Youth Congress.

The maximum age limit for the NSUI members to contest polls has been fixed at 27 years. Members with criminal antecedents would not be allowed to throw their hat in the poll ring. The Youth Congress members would be eligible to contest the office-bearers’ polls till the age of 35. Ragini Nayak, the NSUI national general secretary and in-charge of Gujarat, said: “The project of Rahul Gandhi will help run the youth wings of the Congress in a democratic way and the leaders will have to perform to make it to the state level posts. We had been receiving complaints that deserving people were not getting recognition. But Rahul Gandhi’s dream project will change the scenario and help NSUI and Youth Congress associate more with youth.” Explaining the mode of selecting state level office-bearers, Nayak said, “The candidate polling maximum votes will be the state president.

The second best will be the vice-president. The general secretaries will be elected in the same way.” After successfully conducting elections to select the office-bearers of the youth wings of the Congress in Punjab and Uttarakhand, polls would now be held in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.

Nayak said: “The NSUI membership drive will start soon in Gujarat. NSUI members from other states will conduct the drive.”Indra Vijay Singh, the state president of NSUI, said: “The new system will ensure that persons working for the cause of students will be the office-bearers.”

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