PG-CET for aspiring docs likely
Panel recommends PG-CET for medical students, though the state government is yet to take a final decision
By Ojas Mehta and Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 03:14:38 AM

The state inched closer towards a possible all-Gujarat post-graduate common entrance test (PG-CET) for its post-graduate medical students, after the committee formed to examine the feasibility of the common entrance submitted its report to Health Minister Jaynarayan Vyas on Tuesday. The recommendations made by the committee favoured a PG-CET for medical students, said sources. The state government though is yet to take a final decision. The report split in two volumes runs into 400 pages and the panel has dealt with issues beginning from the All-India quota — both of MBBS entrance as well as PG Entrance Level. The panel headed by BJP MLA Dr Kanu Kalsaria stated that students want equal opportunitiesand are demanding a common admission system for all colleges. The committee emphasised that students seeking all-Gujarat CET felt that the number of seats in medical colleges not affiliated to Gujarat University were lesser.
A file photo of GU medicos protesting common entrance testThe health minister told Ahmedabad Mirror that the report has recorded views of students, representatives of various varsities and have made recommendations keeping in mind MCI rules and earlier Supreme Court judgments. “The recommendations have been made on the basis of practices followed by other states and vacancies for seats available in the state,” Vyas said. “We have presented both pros and cons of holding a PG-CET. The recommendations have been made after talking to more than 2,000 persons including students, parents, faculties of medical colleges and academicians. We have also taken into consideration the system followed by other states,” Dr Kalsaria said. Panel member Dr Pradeepsinh Jadeja said panel had visited several other states before making recommendations. “PG-CET is being held in 11 states in the country,” Dr Kalsaria said. When asked about the recommendations, the health minister said, “The report has just been handed over to me.”Sources claimed CET will perhaps not be held in 2009-10. The government is first likely to increase the number of PG medical seats in all universities.Presently, about 50 pc of total PG medical students in the state appear for All-India PG medical entrance test and gain admissions in medical colleges in other states. The Kalsaria panel has recommended that the state government request MCI to reduce the percentage of students from 50 to 25. “This will ensure that fewer medical students from Gujarat will approach colleges in another state,” a committee member said.
By Ojas Mehta and Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 03:14:38 AM

The state inched closer towards a possible all-Gujarat post-graduate common entrance test (PG-CET) for its post-graduate medical students, after the committee formed to examine the feasibility of the common entrance submitted its report to Health Minister Jaynarayan Vyas on Tuesday. The recommendations made by the committee favoured a PG-CET for medical students, said sources. The state government though is yet to take a final decision. The report split in two volumes runs into 400 pages and the panel has dealt with issues beginning from the All-India quota — both of MBBS entrance as well as PG Entrance Level. The panel headed by BJP MLA Dr Kanu Kalsaria stated that students want equal opportunitiesand are demanding a common admission system for all colleges. The committee emphasised that students seeking all-Gujarat CET felt that the number of seats in medical colleges not affiliated to Gujarat University were lesser.
A file photo of GU medicos protesting common entrance testThe health minister told Ahmedabad Mirror that the report has recorded views of students, representatives of various varsities and have made recommendations keeping in mind MCI rules and earlier Supreme Court judgments. “The recommendations have been made on the basis of practices followed by other states and vacancies for seats available in the state,” Vyas said. “We have presented both pros and cons of holding a PG-CET. The recommendations have been made after talking to more than 2,000 persons including students, parents, faculties of medical colleges and academicians. We have also taken into consideration the system followed by other states,” Dr Kalsaria said. Panel member Dr Pradeepsinh Jadeja said panel had visited several other states before making recommendations. “PG-CET is being held in 11 states in the country,” Dr Kalsaria said. When asked about the recommendations, the health minister said, “The report has just been handed over to me.”Sources claimed CET will perhaps not be held in 2009-10. The government is first likely to increase the number of PG medical seats in all universities.Presently, about 50 pc of total PG medical students in the state appear for All-India PG medical entrance test and gain admissions in medical colleges in other states. The Kalsaria panel has recommended that the state government request MCI to reduce the percentage of students from 50 to 25. “This will ensure that fewer medical students from Gujarat will approach colleges in another state,” a committee member said.